One in four Dads were abused as boys. Today, many of them are still struggling with the 6-year-old boy within. You were the by-product of their hurt and pain. Now, you can turn your Pain into Power. Send your Dad A Yellow Ribbon Card and begin the healing process.
A young man was released from prison after serving his time for the many crimes he had committed.
He had caused his parents and family a lot of hurt and pain. Many relationships were ruined because of his actions.
Before his release, he wrote a letter to his Dad and Mom. He said, "Dear Mom & Dad, I have done much harm to you and our family for which I am so sorry. Please forgive me! I will be on the train passing your home tomorrow.
If you have forgiven me and I am welcomed back into your heart and home, as a sign, please tie a Yellow Ribbon on the tree in the backyard, so, when I look out of the window of the train I would know if I should stop, or keep going. Love, your son."
Every minute on the train felt like an hour. Burdened with the fear of being rejected, the young man didn't want to look out the window of the train, so he asked the older gentleman next to him to look out the window to see if there was a Ribbon on the tree.
The man paused... then he said no! But..., I see hundreds of Ribbons on the trees and even the fence. Tears welled up in the eyes of the young man, he couldn't contain himself. "I am welcomed back home!"
Like this young man, many dads, and moms are yearning for their children, yes, (adult children) to tie the Yellow Ribbon around the tree of their hearts and say, "Dad & Mom I forgive you!" Many children are also waiting for their parents to do the same.
Yellow represents the warm healing of the sun. The Son of God came to forgive us for our wrong and to release us from the prison of our sin and shame. In Malachi 4:2 ..."the Sun of righteousness will arise with healing in His wings..." this healing is to free you, so, you can go and bring freedom to others who hurt you. That is why He said in Malachi 4:6 "He will turn the heart of the fathers to their children and heart of the children to their fathers...
The Yellow Ribbon Card Initiative was designed to begin the process of broken, and even dysfunctional relationships starting with Dads. The word family comes from the word Father, so, to begin healing in the family it begins with the father. To create value, the card is only 0.99 cents. We encourage you to read the book, "No Child Without A Dad"
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