It cost tax-payers about $140,000 per year to incarcerate one youth, but it only cost $40,000 per year to train and equip that same youth to become a future business owner and productive tax-paying citizen.
What if you can make a positive impact in the life of a Youth, Single Moms and Families? Invest in Equipping us to Train and Engage this generation to Start and Operate a Business today.
The Heavenly Father made plans for individuals who lacked financial resources to provide for their families. (The Principle of Gleaning Lev. 23:22)
Gleaning (Work Opportunity) was not designed to be a hand-out; it was intended to empower people in need to:
2 Thessalonians 3:10 "Don't you remember the rule we had when we lived with you? "If you don't work, you don't eat." And now we're getting reports that some lazy people are taking advantage of you. This must stop. We command them to get to work immediately—no excuses, no arguments—and earn their keep."
We teach the principle of eight Diversified income streams.
Invest and Partner with us to train and equip this generation to impact our Nation today positively. Instead of them being hooked on Drugs, we will Cultivate their Dreams into their Destiny...
Your Investment/Donation today will help us Train, Equip and provide seed capital for single moms, youth, and families to become successful in the Marketplace...
You can help to provide multiple streams of income for single mothers. This will help them to avoid unhealthy relationships and provide income to take care of their children. Save a mom, and help to Save America.
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