For over 40+ years, Paul Benjamin Sr. has been Ministering, Mentoring, Coaching, and Consulting leaders in various communities. His Acumen has facilitated his trajectory to turn negative things into something that can positively impact others.
Romans 12:21.
After starting the Men In Action Ministry in 1996, The Lord inspired him to start the Central Florida Dream Center in 2002 as a hub to facilitate the impact strategies he began in New York. These principles he gleaned from over four decades have led him to serve a broad sector in today's marketplace. He Consults Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), City Government Agencies, Public Officials, Law Enforcement Agencies, Churches, and Businesses.
After the tragic shooting of Trayvon Martin near his home in Sanford, Florida, in 2012, The Lord motivated him to transition from The Central Florida Dream Center and launch Life Centers Global in 2017.
He believes now is the time to activate the Transformational Leadership Roles in cities across our Nation. It is time to "Excellerate" the Training/Mentoring of Men, Women, and Youth to be these Positive Influencers in their cities for the Glory of God The Father. Many of them are from homes without Dads, and they are only looking for a Christlike Father Figure that would:
As a visionary leader, Paul is a problem solver. He will leverage and bring strategic solutions to facilitate a cohesive team execution that will benefit the cause and bring about a win-win for all.
Through the Life Centers Global Model, teams would activate their Life's Passion and Purpose (Their App) and positively impact this generation, "For Such A Time As This" Together, we can Save America
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